

Images of faces increasingly saturate this world we share.

Everywhere I see them; on billboards and buildings, houses and buses … on real people’s faces; plastered plastic imitations of (wo)men’s visages.

Faces, all of them, trying to sell me something: a potion or lotion; a stone – hidden knowledge – promising me love, freedom and happiness …

All the world’s wondrous ineffable intangibles, guaranteed to be mine!

if only I discard the contents of my wallet to feed someone else’s voracious greed:

lies told by those believing their own lies.

Once the quest for personal profit ceases to be a matter of survival and instead corrodes into the Satanic desire to have more, always more, you create your own Hell in which to live.

All that is good and true in this world is granted by Him and felt in our hearts.

Thus I yearn only for the faces of God; the good Virgin Mary; and my dear, loving husband.

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